
No photo today…I want to know …how you help someone..that really needs help…but is too proud ( or what ever to ask). Honestly…how do you help?  I need to know..
I do not want to hurt someone’s pride…out of the love I have for someone who is in need….HOW  ???
I am from Jersey…we help our friends  ….we have party’s or whatever…to raise money…say for the behind rent/mortgage…whatever! We do not ask for anything in return….it could be anyone of us in need!
Please, if you have helped someone who is pridefull…how did you do it?
I have a dear neighbor who is in a bad situation …they will not “ask”… but, they do need help…how do you do it respectfully?

Eyes That Lead to Your Heart.


Do you have a best friend …a fuzzy one like this little guy?
He has been with me for 6 years-a more loving friend…if I have one out there, I haven’t one yet!
The eyes of a dog a so honest,so trusting and so loving.

I wish more people could have eyes like his.   :-).

“A good excercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up”

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Bet Ya’all Don’t Know What This Is!


              Ancient technology.

Yes…it is a carburater..ancient technology as my son calls it….Huh..? At least I can rebuild and adjust it all by myself…yay! 
You can’t do that with your “high tech”   (I call it “high rip off”) computer controlled woopdy-doo up to date super vehicle!

I’ll just keep my “ancient technology” motorhome…it’s a Dodge….it’s going to turn 100,000. Miles soon and it still has heart…plus- it suits my “Grambo “personality  to a “T”.

Thanks for stoppin’!

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Watch “Merle Haggard, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and Blake Shelton sing together at the #Grammys” on YouTube